The rising and the setting of the sun clearly prove,
that this globe is carried round in the space of twenty-four
hours, in an eternal and never-ceasing circuit, and with in-
credible swiftness[1]. I am not able to say, whether the sound
caused by the whirling about of so great a mass be excessive,
and, therefore, far beyond what our ears can perceive, nor,
indeed, whether the resounding of so many stars, all carried
along at the same time and revolving in their orbits, may
not produce a kind of delightful harmony of incredible sweetness[2]. To
us, who are in the interior, the world appears to
glide silently along, both by day and by night.
Various circumstances in nature prove to us, that there
are impressed on the heavens innumerable figures of animals
and of all kinds of objects, and that its surface is not perfectly polished like the eggs of birds, as some celebrated
authors assert[3]. For we find that the seeds of all bodies fall
down from it, principally into the ocean, and, being mixed
together, that a variety of monstrous forms are in this way
frequently produced. And, indeed, this is evident to the eye;
for, in one part, we have the figure of a wain, in another of
a bear, of a bull, and of a letter[4]; while, in the middle of them,
over our heads, there is a white circle[5].
(4.) With respect to the name, I am influenced by the
unanimous opinions of all nations. For what the Greeks,
from its being ornamented, have termed ko/smos, we, from its
perfect and complete elegance, have termed mundus. The
name cœlum, no doubt, refers to its being engraven, as it
were, with the stars, as Varro suggests[6]. In confirmation of
this idea we may adduce the Zodiac[7], in which are twelve
figures of animals; through them it is that the sun has continued its
course for so many ages.
1. See Ptolemy, ubi supra.
2. This opinion, which was maintained by Pythagoras, is noticed and
derided by Aristotle, De Cœlo, lib. ii. cap. 9. p. 462–3. A brief account
of Pythagoras's doctrine on this subject is contained in Enfield's Philosophy, i. 386.
3. Pliny probably here refers to the opinion which Cicero puts into the
mouth of one of the interlocutors in his treatise De Nat. Deor. ii. 47,
"Quid enim pulchrius ea figura, quæ sola omnes alias figuras complexa
continet, quæque nihil asperitatis habere, nihil offensionis potest, nihil
incisum angulis, nihil anfractibus, nihil eminens, nihil lacunosum?"
4. The letter D, in the
constellation of the triangle; it is named
Deltwto\n by Aratus, 1. 235; also by Manilius, i. 360. We may
remark, that,
except in this one case, the constellations have no visible resemblance to
the objects of which they bear the name.
5. "Locum hunc Plinii de
Galaxia, sive Lactea via, interpretantur omnes
docti." Alexandre, in Lemaire, i. 227. It may be remarked, that the
word vertex is here used in the sense of the astronomical term zenith,
not to signify the pole.
6. De Ling. Lat. lib. iv. p. 7, 8. See also the remarks on the derivation of
the word in Gesner, Thes., in loco.
7. "Signifer." The English term is taken from the Greek word
Zwdiako\s, derived from Zw=on; see Aristotle, De Mundo, cap. 2. p. 602.
The word Zodiacus does not occur in Pliny, nor is it employed by
Ptolemy; he names it loco(s ku/klos, obliquus circulus; Magn. Const. i.
7, 13, et alibi. It is used by Cicero, but professedly as a Greek term;
Divin. ii. 89, and Arati Phænom. 1. 317. It occurs in Hyginus, p. 57
et alibi, and in A. Gellius, 13. 9. Neither signifer taken substantively,
nor zodiacus occur in Lucretius or in Manilius.